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CSRB Log4j Report - The Response is as Dangerous as the Vulnerability

The recent report from the CSRB gives a step by step account of Log4j, from discovery to remediation, and uncovers a painful insight - sometimes the response is just as dangerous as the vulnerability.

The recent report from the CSRB gives a step by step account of Log4j, from discovery to remediation, and uncovers a painful insight - sometimes the response is just as dangerous as the vulnerability.

The recent report from the CSRB gives a step by step account of Log4j, from discovery to remediation, and uncovers a painful insight - sometimes the response is just as dangerous as the vulnerability.

Written by
A photo of Jamie Scott — Founding Product Manager at Endor Labs.
Jamie Scott
Published on
July 14, 2022

The recent report from the CSRB gives a step by step account of Log4j, from discovery to remediation, and uncovers a painful insight - sometimes the response is just as dangerous as the vulnerability.

The recent report from the CSRB gives a step by step account of Log4j, from discovery to remediation, and uncovers a painful insight - sometimes the response is just as dangerous as the vulnerability.

The Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB) just released their report on the Log4j vulnerability, CVE-2021-44228, and it’s a fascinating read. The report (which it should be noted - is incredibly well written) illustrates a painful fact - the operational overhead of dealing with a major vulnerability is as dangerous as the vulnerability itself, if not more so.

The CSRB worked with over 80 organizations to understand exactly what happened with Log4j, step by step. They recount how the vulnerability was introduced in 2013 through a community-submitted feature intended to ease data storage and retrieval called “JNDI Lookup plugin support”. Then how the vulnerability was discovered by the Alibaba Cloud security team in November 2021, and how the Apache Software Foundation acted fast to remidient. And then how all hell broke loose. 

The report makes an interesting point about how much of the global response to the vulnerability “went right”. The cybersecurity and open source communities banded together as the race between attackers and defenders began, and everybody’s weekends were ruined. But even with the response generally being swift, many organizations suffered, while the CSRB notes that it was difficult to “identify an authoritative source from which to understand exploitation trends across geographies, industries, or ecosystems”.

So what happened? Security and development teams found themselves in a situation where they quickly had to answer the question “who’s using Log4j?” and the more difficult question of “who’s using something that uses Log4j?”. For most modern applications, 70% of code is code you didn’t write, but depend on through open source packages. A handful of these are direct dependencies selected by developers, but the majority are indirect dependencies automatically pulled into your projects.

This means that even smaller organizations needed to navigate a complex dependency graph to figure out what depends on Log4j. Beyond that, they didn’t have time to consider that “who uses Log4j” is an important question, but equally important is “which of those Log4j instances are actually reachable and exploitable?”

Our founders here at Endor Labs faced exactly these challenges when they were running a 400-person engineering team. A common occurrence they ran into was developers going on slack to ask “who’s using this dependency? I plan on updating it and you might be impacted.” Getting visibility into the dependency graph and analyzing the potential impact of something as common as an update was next to impossible. The problem was so prevalent that it eventually drove them to team up and start Endor Labs.

This is where we start seeing the true impact of Log4j, the amount of hours lost dealing with mitigating it. According to the report, “one federal cabinet department reported dedicating 33,000 hours to Log4j vulnerability response to protect the department’s own networks. These costs, often sustained over many weeks and months, delayed other mission-critical work, including the response to other vulnerabilities.” 

This problem is captured perfectly by this line in the report: "Industry experts have called for increased automation to help organizations identify vulnerable software and execute Enterprise Risk Management at scale, but they also recognize that cataloging software components at this depth can be prohibitively labor intensive. Solutions to enable these necessary capabilities do not exist." We hope to change that with Endor Labs.

When it comes to open source security, solutions tend to fall into two major categories: vulnerability scanners (SCA), and continuous update solutions. By their nature, they address half the problem at the most. As we’ve seen, the true impact of Log4j was made apparent by a company’s ability to react to it quickly, and the overhead of that response was more dangerous than the vulnerability itself. The report event goes as far as to say that:

“Perhaps most significantly, the force exerted on the urgent response and the challenges in managing risk also contributed to professional “burnout” among defenders that may, compounded with the generally intense pace of many cybersecurity jobs, have a long-term impact on the availability of cybersecurity talent.”

Now that we’ve spent some time exploring the problem, let’s think about some of the solutions, and a bit of insight into what we’re building at Endor Labs. 

Contextually Aware Vulnerability Management Practices

Contextually aware vulnerability management practices can help improve vulnerability response times and reduce tangible and intangible response costs. Log4J has cost the national economy enormously in terms of both remediation costs as well as opportunity cost.  The Cyber Safety Review Board highlights that “Log4j is an ‘endemic vulnerability’ and that vulnerable instances of Log4j will remain in systems for many years to come, perhaps a decade or longer.”

But how can this possibly be the case with the most widely publicized vulnerability in recent memory?

For many organizations the answer is one or more of these:

  • It is prohibitively expensive to address the issue holistically
  • A holistic application component inventory does not exist for the organization
  • They are dependent on a third party, either open source or vendor supported and can’t accept the cost of migrating off or mitigating the risk in that dependency

For the first two problems the issue is often one of visibility and scale.

Scalable solutions don’t exist today that enable organizations to understand if a vulnerability applies in the context of their application and business. The lack of scalable assessment solutions has led to an industry paradigm where security practitioners are updating everything and making risk management decisions with only partial context. In many of these circumstances, if the organization had full context, patching for critical vulnerabilities would be made not a priority for an application because it didn’t apply in the context of the app. This includes scenarios where the package version is not used or where the package version is used but the vulnerable method is not. 

Today, what happens is:

  • A vulnerability is discovered
  • Vulnerabilities are published to vulnerability feeds that are consumed by vulnerability management solutions
  • Vulnerability management solutions compare the package version with those listed in the vulnerability feed.
  • If the package version exists in an application or server, then a vulnerability is reported.

This lacks three important pieces of context that are absolutely necessary to make informed risk management decisions:

  1. How important the application is to the business
  2. The relative likelihood of the application being attacked 
  3. The context of which the application uses the code.
  4. When issues like log4j are exposed through indirect usage of the dependency, upgrades may not even be made available, resulting in reliance on self patching or waiting for another dependency to be updated. 

Even if a security practitioner had all of this context, they would still need to understand if an update to the dependency may break their application, either through direct API breaking changes or dependency conflicts. While this may not be the case in a small patch release, it may be the case if the vulnerable dependency is indirectly used and not directly used in the code. 

How CISA and Industry Security Leaders Can Help

In order to help important vulnerabilities scale more effectively, CISA should partner with NIST to ensure that vulnerable methods are standard searchable fields that are applied to every applicable vulnerability in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). This should be prioritized for vulnerabilities in the known exploited vulnerabilities catalog.  By including this metadata, static analysis solutions will be able to detect vulnerabilities in a scalable manner down to the level of if the vulnerable method is actually being used. 

Beyond the NVD, the foundation of vulnerability remediation is a software bill of materials. The Cyber Safety Review Board says: “As designed today, SBOMs are limited, for example by variances in field descriptions and a lack of version information about cataloged components, and lack of automation on the consumption end due to these variances. Addressing SBOM standardization gaps would support a faster software supply chain vulnerability response.”

Further, as the industry pushes to adopt and improve SBOM tooling the industry should focus on data quality and rates of change. Assuming that an SBOM did have accurate information about the versions of software packages, and had high fidelity accurate data at all times, an SBOM is limited in that it is only a snapshot in time and doesn’t evolve over time. Even if the same version of an application is deployed the dependencies of the application are frequently continuously changing with no action required by development teams or customers.

While dependency pinning has been designed to reduce the likelihood of operational issues from dependency changes over time, it's unlikely that all of your direct dependencies have pinned every one of their dependencies. Dependency pinning is a practice that has clustered usage throughout the industry and as a result, it's very frequent that as your dependencies release new versions of your package, the SBOM will change without any action on the part of the software producer or software consumer.

Lockfiles do solve this, but their support is package manager dependent and not supported everywhere. 

This moving target problem make SBOMs a snapshot proxy to improve vulnerability management but not an accurate inventory that can be fully trusted. Enabling SBOM tooling to track changes over time, and encouraging the use of dependency pinning and lockfiles where applicable should also be key recommendations for the cybersecurity industry.

The Risks of Requiring Financial Commitments in OSS Projects

Software is the foundation on which society is built. Traffic lights, cars, and water supply are controlled using software. The foundation on which software is built is open source software, such as log4j. Our society is built on the backs of the giants who are the maintainers of the open source community. This community is volunteer, sometimes sponsored but frequently free. Often, maintainers of open source packages do so out of good will as a side project from the comfort of their homes. They have families and other priorities, just like all of us. Sponsoring of these volunteers is a noble pursuit, but requiring financial commitments from organizations using open source software may be an impractical solution. The Cyber Safety Review Board indicates that “Private sector companies that build commercial software that includes open source libraries or dependencies should commit financial resources toward the open source projects that they deploy” such as “paying developers, security engineers, and other essential roles in supporting secure software development, vulnerability disclosure and handling processes, and vulnerability response for open source projects; and  contributing funding and knowledge to centralized open source security projects.”

The taxing of projects used by organizations should be designed so as not to disincentivize the ethos that the open source community was built on, which was one of collaboration, experimentation, and group innovation. Taxing the open source community to secure it if done, should be done in a way that doesn’t disincentivize usage and collaboration with open source software and regulation may do just that. 

How Endor Labs Supports Safe OSS Adoption

Endor Labs helps teams scale by giving them the context they need to make more informed risk management decisions. Endor Labs performs static analysis of code to help our users understand which package versions are actually used and which are not by your application. When an application uses a software dependency, typically that software dependency relies on others transitively. Transitive dependencies are often never used and even those dependencies directly imported by your application may be unused over time due to frequent refactoring of code.  This problem varies by software language and ecosystem. Organizations should put a focus on removing unnecessary dependencies from their application code. By narrowing the graph of dependencies, promoting dependency reuse and removing unnecessary dependencies, organizations can further scale vulnerability management as well as improve their application quality. Endor Labs further uses this static analysis to identify areas where changes between versions of packages may impact applications by detecting conflicting dependencies. This helps teams prioritize remediation efforts by the effort to fix an application. Context also helps in prioritizing remediation efforts. By ensuring that remediation efforts can be focused on areas where they are actually using vulnerable code, organizations improve the impact and reduce the cost of their remediation efforts over time. Industry can reduce the economic cost of security as well as decrease defender burnout rates and help to reduce the skill gap in our industry by focusing on improving context to optimize for impact over output. 

At Endor Labs we help organizations take an approach we believe to be more practical and aligned with the ethos of open source. Organizations need a strategy for how they manage their software supply chain to help them manage critical incidents like Log4j. If a software dependency is unmaintained and transitively relies on log4j, your organization needs a plan for how to update that package version. Too often that answer is, “wait for someone else to fix it”. Organizations should take conscious action with open source packages and with conscious action there can be three choices:

  • Accept the risk
  • Switch to a different package as your software dependency
  • Maintain that dependency yourself and contribute back to the community by accepting the cost of maintenance as a cost of doing business. 

We help organizations to identify unmaintained software so they can make more informed risk management decisions on how to approach managing open source. By helping organizations select higher quality software dependencies, giving them visibility into unmaintained software packages and helping organizations to narrow their dependency graph Endor Labs helps your teams make better choices around open source package selection and maintenance.

Our Final Thoughts

As the industry deals with the shellshock (no pun intended) of the log4j incident we’re reminded how much further the cybersecurity industry has to go to meet the dual goals of managing national security and risk along with doing so in a cost effective manner. We’re reminded painfully that our industry still has significant room to mature and that as we mature, the problems we face will change. As proprietors of developer productivity and cybersecurity, we’re ready to partner with the community to solve these problems. Only through partnership with communities can we truly make critical incident response, scalable, cost effective and timely.

The Challenge

The Solution

The Impact

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Implementing Software Supply Chain Security

What to Consider When Designing a Program

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Software supply chains are top of mind for security professionals, but there is little industry agreement on what it includes or how to secure it. Meanwhile, vendors and talking heads are quick to provide definitions (and tools) that may seem self-serving. Practitioners and CISOs alike are left with fundamental questions, such as:

In this guide, we set out to establish a shared understanding so you can make informed decisions on your security strategy.

This report has three sections

About the authors

Chris, Darren,and Jenn have a combined security experience of nearly 50 years. Ranging from government to Fortune 500 to startups, they have led teams and been directly responsible for implementing application security programs and supporting compliance initiatives.


The Big Picture

Malicious actors have discovered a more effective way.

Software supply chain security continues to be one of the most widely discussed topics in the cybersecurity industry, and rightfully so. Reports document a continuing rapid growth in supply chain attacks, with twice as many observed attacks in 2023 as there were in all previous years combined, as well as seeing a three-fold increase in malicious packages over the same period. These threats impact thousands of organizations and millions of users worldwide. These include attacks against both proprietary software vendors and their products, as well as widely used open source software (OSS) projects and components.

Rather than investing effort into compromising a single target, malicious actors can compromise a widely used product or open source component, causing a massive downstream impact across the entire ecosystem. They have also realized it is much easier to attack the brittle supply chain components than it is to target mature enterprise environments that have (and continue to make) investments in efforts such as Zero Trust and moving away from perimeter-based security models. 

Rather than traditional “push” style attacks that force their way into an enterprise target, software supply chain attacks often rely on a “pull” style model of attack, where victims pull in malicious components potentially compromising themselves.

The software supply chain has become the “soft underbelly” of our digital ecosystem, making it an appealing attack vector to malicious actors around the world. 

Trend 1

Over 50% of applications are containerized.

Increasingly, modern applications are run in containers, which are defined as “standard units of software that packages up code and all of its dependencies”. This standardized packaging allows for applications to be lightweight, portable and standalone, enabling scalability, replication, and re-use. In 2021, Dell found that on average over 50% of applications are containerized, with 88% of organizations deploying containerized 3rd-party apps and services or developing their own.

Trend 2
Open Source Software (OSS)

OSS represents 70-90% of modern code bases.

OSS is a tremendous asset to the modern organization because its usage reduces the amount of code your developers write by leveraging what already exists. In fact, it’s estimated that developing this code from scratch would cost firms $8.8 trillion. Additionally, many OSS components are battle-tested, high-quality components that a given development team may not have the skills to develop themselves. Lastly, the re-use of OSS components allows organizations to focus on their core competencies and differentiators, rather than re-creating components and capabilities that may exist within the OSS ecosystem. When applications can be created faster by leveraging existing components, organizations experience expedited development timelines and cost savings. OSS is now estimated to represent 70-90% of modern code bases. That said, as we will discuss below, OSS isn’t without its own risks and considerations.

Trend 3
Continuous Integration and Delivery

84% of developers are involved in CI/CD activities.

Increasing the development and shipment velocity while meeting functional and non-functional requirements required the automation of various development activities along the SDL, e.g. compilation, unit and integration tests or packaging. Those activities are increasingly performed by CI/CD pipelines that can go as far as deploying releases in production environments. In 2023, the CD Foundation found that 84% of developers were involved in CI/CD activities, indicating a continual increase in the adoption of practices that aim to increase an organization’s ability to deliver software at high velocity.

Trend 4
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

70% of packages using OpenAI’s APIs were brand new packages.

For the same reasons organizations adopt OSS, the industry is rapidly adopting AI. Beginning in 2023 with the explosive growth of generative AI and large language models (LLMs), AI models are another tool to accelerate development and beat competition. Just like your applications, AI models can contain OSS code and components and AI/ML resources and software may share principles much like the OSS world, in terms of sharing of training data, models, weights and a wide variety of tools. In 2023, our researchers found that AI and LLM caused an explosion of OSS, with 70% of packages using OpenAI's APIs being brand new packages.


A burden or a driver?

Software supply chain attacks have spurred widespread concern both from industry and government. This concern is highlighted in U.S. Executive Order (EO) 14028 on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, which led to a slew of efforts from Federal agencies (such as NIST and CISA) and industry organizations (such as OWASP and The Linux Foundation), as well as by commercial organizations including Google and Microsoft. And from PCI DSS to DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) to FedRAMP, there are numerous global standards seeking to protect consumers and national security from malicious actors. While some compliance activities may seem like checkboxes that add more overhead without adding value, the fact remains that compliance is a useful tool to drive change that otherwise might not get prioritized.


Defining the
“Software Supply Chain”

Ask five people, get five different answers.

As with many industry terms, there isn’t total agreement on what is included in a software supply chain, and therefore what it means to secure it. Definitions range from “everything” to “just the tools I bring in from outside my organization.” At Endor Labs, we’ve adopted the broader definition popularized by Google, because it integrates better into the software development lifecycle and is more reflective of the reality that many organizations produce products that end up in someone else’s supply chain (a “consumer point of view”). The benefit of taking a broad view is it encourages security professionals to address product security holistically rather than as a siloed, binary “did I build it vs buy it” strategy. That definition is:


A software supply chain consists of all the code, people, systems, and processes that contribute to development and delivery of your software, both inside and outside of your organization. It includes:

Code you create, its dependencies, and the internal and external software you use to develop, build, package, install, and run your software.

Processes and policies for system access, testing, review, monitoring and feedback, communication, and approval.

Systems you trust to develop, build, store, and run your software and its dependencies.

Software you consume from external suppliers and service providers.

As defined here, your software supply chain contains at least six discrete components.

Your Developers

Your developers represent an absolutely critical part of your software supply chain. They’re the individuals responsible for writing first-party code and pulling in third-party dependencies, and they’re a crucial attack vector (with regards to their development accounts, endpoints, and more). 

Developers are also your first line of defense because they’re in the position to ensure that trusted and secure components are integrated into your organization’s applications. Additionally, technology stacks and industry-leading security tools are looking to integrate with developer workflows and empower developers to make more secure choices around software creation, consumption, and use.

Your Code

Although most modern codebases are primarily made up of open source software (OSS), organizations still write their own code (“first-party” code). Your first-party code isn’t necessarily part of your broader software supply chain, but it still has implications for the security of your systems and products. It also has downstream ramifications for your customers and consumers, which can be impacted by vulnerabilities in your first-party code. 

Your Dependencies

If you’re following current software development practices, your first-party code relies on additional OSS components to function properly. These components are referred to as “direct dependencies.” While the number of dependencies varies (based on programming language, complexity of the software/application, etc.), the average application has several hundreds of direct dependencies. Additionally, each of those direct dependencies have OSS dependencies of their own, referred to as “transitive dependencies.” 

Like your first party code, vulnerabilities in OSS packages and libraries can present risks to your organization, your customers and consumers. Because each OSS package you directly depend on tends to have multiple dependencies of its own, these transitive dependencies can be significant sources of risk. In fact, research by Endor Labs found that 95% of vulnerabilities that affect customer applications exist within their transitive, rather than direct, dependencies. 

Organizations leveraging OSS dependencies must understand the context around vulnerabilities and vulnerable dependencies. Moving beyond traditional approaches such as CVSS scoring, this includes known exploitations (KEV), likelihood of exploit (EPSS), and reachability.

Your AI Models

AI models are increasingly a core consideration in the modern software supply chain. While your AI models are likely a combination of first-party, third-party, and OSS code (found in outlets like HuggingFace), we think it’s worth pulling them out separately as they have unique attributes and concerns.

Organizations need to have safeguards in place to protect their consumption and use of AI, whether delivered as a SaaS or self-hosted, as well as ensure any OSS AI resources they’re using are from trusted sources and have security measures in place, much like broader OSS usage. Industry-leading sources, such as OWASP’s AI Exchange, list supply chain threats as a part of the AI threat landscape. They point out that, much like traditional source code and software components, data and models may involve multiple suppliers and require supply threat risk management to mitigate threats. Security recommendations include standard supply chain risk management practices including provenance, pedigree, signature verification, trusted package repositories, and dependency verification tools.

Your Containers

Like the open source in your applications, OSS is also used for containerization. The challenge, as discussed in the section regarding dependencies, is your containers may also have vulnerabilities. As a result, you need to introduce the practice of container hardening — reducing a container’s attack surface and making it less vulnerable to exploits. Otherwise, developers end up building on top of vulnerable containers full of unnecessary dependencies, typically referred to as “bloated containers”. Those vulnerabilities in container images now place any applications running on top of them at risk as malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying containers. They also attempt to compromise widely used publicly available container images from popular repositories such as Docker Hub in efforts to impact downstream consumers and their associated applications.

Your CI/CD Pipelines

There may be a tendency to focus on the application layer when discussing software supply chain security. The reality is that underlying infrastructure and systems, which may also be defined as Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC), also represent part of your software supply chain and must be secured to mitigate risk to the products and software you produce. A lack of governance around repositories and their hygiene as well as the pipelines and associated infrastructure all can allow for nefarious exploitation. If malicious actors can compromise pipelines and the infrastructure used to develop application layer code, they can still have their desired impact to facilitate software supply chain attacks, and these techniques have been used in various notable software supply chain incidents.


Securing the Software Supply Chain

One vendor to rule them all? Not quite.

It’s tempting to look for a single vendor or product that “solves'' software supply chain security concerns. But like other broad security practices, such as Zero Trust, the reality is that SSCS is complex. It's impractical to expect one vendor to cover every area of the software supply chain attack surface. Due to the wide attack surface of the modern software supply chain (your developers, code, dependencies, CI/CD pipelines, and more), as well as a wide array of programming languages and frameworks, no single vendor comprehensively covers every aspect of the software supply chain. 

In this section we discuss some of the specific components of modern SSCS as well as key recommendations, resources, and methodologies to secure these components or implement the associated activities.

Open Source Governance

Open source software (OSS) has risks, including longstanding common problems around vulnerable components and other considerations like quality, maintainer support, and so on. Endor Labs pioneered the “Top 10 OSS Risks”, which includes lagging indicators of risk such as known vulnerabilities, along with leading indicators of risk such as compromises of legitimate packages, name confusion attacks, unmaintained software and untracked dependencies, and other considerations. 

There are various elements to OSS governance, ranging from selection controls to vulnerability management. The creation of an Open Source Program Office (OSPO) is an established way for an organization to govern and control the consumption (and production) of OSS across the entire organization in a uniform or standardized way. Addressing OSS governance may also help you with long term compliance goals related to risk: After all, if you can prevent unhealthy projects from entering your ecosystem, you’re likely to have fewer vulnerabilities to remediate in the future.

For more on the OWASP Top 10 Risks for Open Source, watch this session from LeanAppSec Fall 2023.

The Endor Labs Solution for Open Source Governance

Endor Labs helps organizations govern use of OSS components without slowing down developers by providing monitoring, package scoring, governance, ai-assisted OSS selection, and customization.


Continuously monitor OSS components in your software projects for vulnerabilities and other risks, with powerful focus tools and policies that help developers identify and fix the issues that matter most to your organization.

Package Scoring

Our AI-enhanced, enriched OSS component and vulnerability database includes over 170 types of risk signals for leading indicators of risk from a package or the project it supports. This information is consolidated into an Endor Score for each package, which provides an easy-to-understand metric of how well a package does based on factors of security, activity, popularity, and code quality.With this data, you can build admission policies that prevent risky packages from entering your projects, identify suitable alternatives, and identify emerging risks before they become critical.


Integrate governance components with GRC tools, risk aggregators (including SIEMs), and developer workflow tools to streamline research and remediation. Use our risk database and Endor Score to build admission policies that prevent risky packages from entering your projects, identify suitable alternatives, and identify emerging risks before they become critical.

AI-Assisted OSS Selection

With DroidGPT system, is a GPT-enhanced recommendation and research engine, that helps developers can use natural language to identify OSS components that meet their needs while minimizing risks introduced. It’s backed by our enriched OSS component database that monitors over 170 risk indicators for each component (summarized to 4 individual and one overall Endor Score), along with known specific risks like vulnerabilities, malicious behaviors, and evidence of supply chain attacks like typosquatting. The API for this capability makes it simple to leveraging the data for admission control decisions -- such as “disallow any component that has a Security Score of less than 6, or an Activity score less than 4”, or even against individual signals like “warn about any component that does not have significant high-reputation contributor”.  During the CI/CD pipeline runs, this data is combined with our SCA analysis (which includes function-level reachability data; see Code Security below) and policy to allow for notification or deployment-blocking behaviors should there be packages in use that don’t meet policy, providing a detective control even if developers bypass the preventive control.


Our API-driven design philosophy and our integrations allow for a mix of out-of-the-box and easily developed custom routing of issues to places developers work (like their IDE, within pull requests, issue tracking systems, etc.) and risk is managed (like GRC tools, SIEM tools, and compliance/risk aggregators).

See DroidGPT in action.

Code Security


A core part of SSCS is code security, which analyzes code projects for vulnerabilities and other weaknesses. Code security tools generally fit into one of two categories:


(Static Application Security Testing) tools examine source or binary code to discover coding errors that represent actual or potential security risks.


(Software Composition Analysis) tools examine a software project’s dependencies for known vulnerabilities and related risks.

This tool divide is essential because the remediation process for each use case is different. Novel flaws detected by SAST tools typically require changes to the design or implementation; that is, a developer must rethink how a problem is being solved and make changes to the code. Risks discovered in OSS or other dependencies usually require a version upgrade to the affected component. This latter may sometimes also require code changes to accommodate (or to mitigate flaws that cannot be repaired through an update), because sometimes updates change how the consuming code must be written.  One key difference in outcomes is that while it may be very reasonable to break a build where first-party code is vulnerable, with OSS code your teams will want more flexibility because a fix might not be available from the OSS producer, or because the required upgrade may cause unrelated problems over which your teams have very little control.

Use of SAST tools enables developers to scan code earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) prior to runtime production environments, meaning they can identify vulnerabilities before the affected code is released to production environments where it can be attacked. SAST can identify not just existing vulnerabilities, but also poor coding practices that later manifest as vulnerabilities.

SAST tools typically enable direct feedback to developers with details on the vulnerabilities identified as well as guidance on how to resolve the vulnerabilities. The challenge here is that SAST tools can also be noisy, often producing false positives and findings that can sink developers' time investigating and discussing with security peers, despite not being actual vulnerabilities or posing real risks. We hear from many customers that a noisy SAST tool actually directly leads to developers not remediating risks. This makes it key for organizations to adopt high quality SAST tooling that can produce high-fidelity findings, minimize false positives, and enrich findings to help developers focus on real risks.

The Endor Labs Solution for Code Security

Endor Labs helps organizations address Code Security through integration and management, and reachability-based SCA.

Integration & Management

Simplifying tool management by providing out-of-the box integrations with existing security tools; this is a growing list that includes SAST tools like GitHub Advanced Security’s CodeQL, risk aggregators like Vanta, and so on. And we help our customers build and integrate reusable security pipelines that make swapping out specific security tools a much simpler process.

Reachability-Based SCA

Providing a next-generation SCA and vulnerability management platform that identifies security and operational risks in OSS components with strong focus and execution tools.

Endor Labs takes a “get safe, stay safe” approach with our next-generation SCA. We identify the OSS components your applications rely on, as well as the components those components rely on (transitive or indirect dependencies), and perform static call path analysis on your applications and the whole of your dependency tree to determine which risks genuinely affect you through context data and Function-Level Reachability Analysis.

This prioritization system helps security organizations identify relevant and actionable risks and prioritize them for remediation, allowing an organization to “get safe” by reducing the existing risk footprint. Additionally, the comprehensive, high-accuracy vulnerability data combined with our reachability and context analyses and our enriched OSS package and risk database allow precision policies for identifying the most important and actionable risks in your dependencies. This looks like being able to set policies to help development teams “stay safe”, such as:

  • “Leave a PR comment if a pull request results in a new risk in a dependency, where a patch is available, the vulnerable function is reachable from first-party code, and the chance of exploit in the next 30 days is > 1% based on EPSS data”
  • “Open a Jira ticket if a direct dependency in a project is no longer maintained”
  • “Send a Slack message if the released version of an application has a new critical or high severity vulnerability affecting it”

Watch to see reachability-based SCA in action.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security

Security practices related to AI are still in nascent stages, but with both industry and government focused on the topic, we can expect this field to grow quickly. Like a human, an AI model can be tricked into divulging sensitive information (such as API keys), and like any other OSS project, it can be the victim of bugs and malicious code. In recognition of these risks, in July 2023 OWASP released the first Top 10 for LLM list. The risks range from the malicious (prompt injections, training data poisoning, DDoS, supply chain) to accidental (overpermissioning, data leakage). 

October 2023, the United States released an Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. This E.O. has many requirements that echo what we saw with the Cybersecurity E.O. Most relevant to an organization’s SSCS strategy include the requirements regarding:

  • Development of standards, tools, and tests by NIST to help ensure that AI systems are safe, secure, and trustworthy. 
  • Establishment of an advanced cybersecurity program (at the government level) to develop AI tools to find and fix vulnerabilities in critical software
  • The safe, ethical, and effective use of AI by the United States military and intelligence community.

As a result of the E.O., we can expect frameworks to be created and help with secure usage, and of course vendors will start to fill gaps. In the meanwhile, most AI security is somewhat do-it-yourself

Most organizations started by setting policies regarding the use of AI, which typically addresses the types of data (e.g. proprietary vs. generic) that can be fed into different types of models (e.g. public vs. private instances). This is a good first step that covers some risks, but there will still be gaps that will require processes and tools. When designing a SSCS program to address AI, it’s helpful to think about the ways your organization is using - or plans to use - AI. For example, will they use AI models to write application code? Are they developing proprietary AI models?

When developers use AI to write code (and we bet yours already are), there are interrelated concerns:

Is the developer using an approved model and does it adhere to good security practices?

This may be the easiest to address if your organization has already vetted a model and has a contract with the vendor (e.g. OpenAI). But the large vendors can be expensive, so your organization may resort to open source LLMs that can bring in more risk.

Is the AI-generated code bringing in any risks to your supply chain?

Code generated by a model should be subjected to SAST (including SCA) just like your other first-party and OSS code.

When your organization is designing AI-based tools, including your own models, then you need a program in place to evaluate whether the components meet your security requirements. Building a foundational model is very hard, but building on top of a foundational model is much easier. As with application code, AI models often have numerous dependencies, many of which are open source. You can reduce risk by:

  • Reviewing how the model was constructed
  • Reviewing the organization that created the model
  • Taking advantage of HuggingFace’s security features
  • Being careful about downloading dependencies from models in HuggingFace

To learn more about the risks of open source LLMs, watch this session from LeanAppSec Winter 2024.

The Endor Labs Solution for AI Security

Python is the language of choice for creating AI models, but because of this popularity it’s likely to be targeted by malicious parties. Unfortunately, detecting vulnerable dependencies is difficult because many Python dependencies aren’t in the manifest so they aren’t caught by traditional SCA tools. Endor Labs’ SCA tool scans Python source code to find hidden dependencies and uses reachability analysis to prioritize just the risks that can actually impact your application. This involves a four-step process that results in better visibility of risk.

1. Source Code as a Ground Truth

As the primary "source of truth", Endor Labs uses the source code offers the clearest insight into which dependencies are called upon and used.

2. Correlate with Package Manager Data

After establishing dependencies, the data is cross- referenced with package manager information, identifying phantom and unused dependencies.

3. Correlate with the File System

By comparing dependencies declared by package management manifests with those used in the code and those available in the file system, you get a complete picture of the dependencies used.

4. Highlight Discrepancies

Any variations between the actual code and package manager definitions are clearly marked, alerting developers to potential issues like missed vulnerabilities or unnecessary packages.

Software Bills of Materials

As the industry looks to grapple with software supply chain threats, the SBOM has become a key component of enabling software transparency, a longstanding cybersecurity best practice cited in sources such as CIS’s Critical Security Controls list. An SBOM is a nested inventory of components that make up a piece of software. This enables both suppliers and consumers to have an understanding of what components make up a specific product, service, or application. An accurate SBOM enables discovery of known vulnerabilities within software components that make up an application system.

The ability to exchange SBOM data reliably has given rise to standards for SBOM representations. The industry currently has two predominant SBOM representation format standards: The Linux Foundation’s Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) and OWASP’s CycloneDX. There’s been significant advances in both OSS and proprietary tooling to create, enrich, analyze, store, and report on SBOMs, helping both suppliers and consumers understand their software asset inventory.

Some highly regulated industries, such as the United States government (including the Department of Defense and the Food & Drug Administration) have begun to call for the use of SBOM’s between software suppliers and consumers as well as for critical activities and environments.

A comprehensive SBOM solution must, at minimum, consider both SBOM Producers (generate SBOMs for your components) and SBOM Consumers (ingest SBOMs from applications you consume), which of course can both occur at the company or even within the same team.

Your customers and external auditors who require SBOMs will need assurance that you have accurate and complete SBOMs tied to each application, service, and component they consume from you; and that you have appropriate processes to maintain the accuracy of these as new versions are released. In many cases, in order to provide an accurate SBOM to this audience, you will also need to consume SBOMs generated by 3rd-party providers you use to deliver your applications and services. 

Consuming SBOMs also enhances your own 3rd-party risk program, as it enables close monitoring of components in your environment, and rapid identification of affected 3rd-party applications and services when new vulnerabilities are announced in components they consume. For example, if you have consumed accurate SBOMs for your services, and a vulnerability like log4shell is announced, you can rapidly determine which 3rd-party services and applications use the affected version, and take steps to mitigate.The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), part of the U.S. government, issued a document describing the minimum requirements for a SBOM. They are:

  • Supplier Name: The name of an entity that creates, defines, and identifies components.
  • Component Name: Designation assigned to a unit of software defined by the original supplier.
  • Version of the Component: Identifier used by the supplier to specify a change in software from a previously identified version.
  • Other Unique Identifiers: Other identifiers that are used to identify a component, or serve as a look-up key for relevant databases.
  • Dependency Relationship: Characterizing the relationship that an upstream component X is included in software Y.
  • Author of SBOM Data: The name of the entity that creates the SBOM data for this component.
  • Timestamp: Record of the date and time of the SBOM data assembly.

Unfortunately, Chainguard found that only 1% of SBOMs were entirely conformant with these requirements. This emphasizes the importance of selecting a comprehensive SBOM tool.

The Endor Labs Solution for SBOM

Endor Labs supports SBOM programs for both producers and consumers:

SBOM and VEX generation

Our SCA tool automatically capabilities as part of our Open Source risk management module creates the inventory of OSS components necessary to generate accurate SBOMs for your first-party applications and components. SBOMs for your packages can be exported in standard formats via the UI, or in an automated fashion via an API call. This allows your release pipelines to generate a valid SBOM as an artifact in an automated and repeatable fashion. Additionally, Endor Labs supports the VEX (Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange) format, an OASIS standard format that follows CycloneDX conventions to produce a sidecar file that describes the vulnerabilities in the components within your SBOM, along with analysis data detailing their impact. For example, we can produce a VEX document for a component that lists the disclosable vulnerabilities in OSS components, and annotates those that are not exploitable because the vulnerable function in that dependency is not reachable.

Export accurate SBOM and VEX documents in seconds.

SBOM Ingestion

Our SBOM Hub product addresses the Consumer role by allowing import of common SBOM format documents from suppliers via simple API calls or use of our command-line tool. Ingesting an SBOM connects the components identified with our enriched OSS risk database, allowing you to quickly identify vulnerabilities and other OSS component risks in your 3rd-party software.

Automatically detect new vulnerabilities in SBOMs.

Secret Management

In cloud-native environments, the use of “secrets” has become commonplace for DevOps and operational activities. A classic example is the username and password that allows an application access to its database, but a secret can also be API keys, credentials, certificates, and private keys, among other types of information. When secrets are unintentionally leaked, they can allow malicious actors initial access, providing the ability to move laterally across enterprise environments and gain administrative or elevated access to systems and infrastructure. Secrets can be leaked when a developer “hardcodes” the secret into the application or stored in repositories, even if they’re not in application code directly, but in supporting artifacts such as configuration files. Additional factors leading to the sprawl of secrets include the growing popularity of source code, container images, and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) manifests where secrets may be exposed. 

Poor (or non-existent) secrets management has been associated with several incidents. For example, Samsung’s 2022 source code leak included over 6,000 secret keys. Leaked secrets account for an average of $1.2M revenue loss, yet most organizations report that they do not have a mature secret management program.

To mitigate these risks, organizations need to have a robust secrets management policy and process in place. This program should include secrets scanning tools, which can identify secrets which may inadvertently be exposed and abused.

The Endor Labs Solution for Secret Detection

Endor Labs Secrets helps you avoid secret leaks in your git-based repositories, in any text file, at three control points:

Deep scan

Scan your entire repository commit history for secrets in order to identify latent secrets-related risks.

Branch scan

Scan a given branch, either from within the pipeline (enabling you to block a PR if a valid secret is detected) or in a supervisory fashion without needing to alter your pipeline.

Pre-commit hook

Developers can include a rapid, “changes only” secrets check in a pre-commit hook in their development environment to stop new secrets from entering the git history in the first place.

Our solution addresses the noise problem present with many secrets scanners by testing secrets whenever possible, allowing you to set policies to handle secrets known to be valid credentials — and thus high risk — while ignoring those that are known to be invalid (while still being able to track and analyze them as resources permit).

Get a low false positive rate and enable quick remediation.

CI/CD Pipeline Security

It isn’t just the security of the code going through a CI/CD pipeline that is of concern, but also the pipeline itself. If malicious actors can compromise the pipeline and platforms facilitating the delivery of code to production environments, they can compromise the code and downstream consumption. There are also ample examples of notable software supply chain incidents that involved abusing flaws in the CI/CD environment, such as SolarWinds, CodeCov and the PHP breach. So while it is critical to conduct activities such as SAST and secrets scanning in pipelines, the underlying pipeline, processes, and infrastructure supporting the flow of code must also be addressed. 

This risk is identified in industry resources such as OWASP’s Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks. This guidance specifically calls out insufficient flow control, inadequate identity and access management, and insecure system configurations. It also points out that CI/CD environments and their associated processes and systems are fundamental to modern code delivery.

The Endor Labs Solution for CI/CD Pipeline Security

Endor Labs CI/CD helps address three of the main considerations in hardening CI/CD pipelines:

Tool Discovery

The tools, pre-build actions, templates, etc. your pipeline consumes are a type of dependency. Our scanner understands common pipeline configuration files and identifies the components in use, identifying risks they or their dependencies pose to your pipelines, as well as highlighting excessive privileges given to pipeline jobs. As with all our findings, you can then apply policy to prohibit or require certain tools, route important issues to DevOps teams for repair, etc.

Repository Security Posture Management (RSPM)

Your CI/CD environment relies on effective controls around the code commit and management process. Endor Labs can scan your repository configuration to determine if it complies with your organizational policies, making sure that your controls function appropriately across your enterprise. This isn’t one-size-fits-all: our flexible, open policy system allows you to have different requirements for different sets of projects across your repositories.

Artifact Signature Verification

Our artifact signing solution can be used as part of CI/CD security posture controls by ensuring that components and tools pulled into your pipeline have been signed and verified before being executed. This allows mature security/DevSecOps teams to implement adoption controls, sign consumable dependencies to attest that they’ve been appropriately tested and approved, and ensure that components that don’t flow through that path are not used during the build pipeline.

This approach ultimately gives confidence that you have control over what enters the repository (by ensuring a strong configuration using RSPM), confidence in what’s running in your pipelines (using tool discovery), and confidence that critical components that enter your pipeline have been properly vetted (using artifact signing).

Attestation and Code Signing

As malicious actors increasingly look to carry out software supply chain attacks, including tampering and injection of malicious code, organizations have begun to push for not just transparency of software components, through artifacts such as SBOMs, but also assurances around integrity. This includes integrity of the software development and build processes as well as final outputs and software components. 

In fact, some organizations and industries, (especially highly regulated industries) are increasingly calling for the use of artifacts such as SBOM’s and attestations to provide assurances around the integrity of the software development process and its associated outputs. To meet these requirements, it’s necessary to use build integrity verification, which refers to the process of ensuring the integrity and authenticity of software builds or container images. This is achieved in the following way:


Developers use tools like Cosign (Sigstore) to digitally sign their container images or software builds. This involves attaching a cryptographic signature to the image, which proves that the image has not been tampered with and was indeed built by the claimed author or organization.


Users or other stakeholders can then use the same tool to verify the signatures on these container images. This verification process involves checking the digital signatures against public keys which provides a trust mechanism to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the image.


Sigstore aims to provide transparency and a clear provenance for software builds, the public keys and signatures are stored in a tamper-resistant, publicly auditable log, making it possible to trace back and verify the history of a container image, including who signed it and when.

Watch Artifact Signing 101 for more on how to use strong cryptographic artifact signatures to enable strong admission control, provenance, and traceability that support effective security, quality, and compliance programs.

The Endor Labs Solution for Artifact Signing

Endor Labs provides an alternative to Sigstore’s Cosign for organizations that value signature privacy (unlike the public sigstore) and no-new-infrastructure deployment (unlike rolling out your own private sigstore).

The low-code/no-code artifact signing solution is part of Endor Labs CI/CD. This solution provides a robust path to signing any artifact along with relevant metadata, using your existing identity system (such as Azure AD or Okta) and our signature and append-only log platforms as the base. This means deploying signing is as easy as:

Setting up a SAML or OIDC link between your identity system and Endor Labs; do this once for your entire organization

Deploying an Endor Labs binary into your pipeline (as a CLI tool, GitHub Action, etc.) where you want signatures to occur, and configuring the pipeline to call the signing function -- your pipeline uses its verified identity in your system to authenticate to Endor Labs, and signing proceeds

Setting up your admission controller/other points of verification to use Endor Labs to sign (typically one command-line call)

Container Scanning and Hardening

Increasingly, modern applications are run in containers, which are defined as “standard units of software that packages up code and all of its dependencies”. This standardized packaging allows for applications to be lightweight, portable and standalone, enabling scalability, replication, and re-use. The challenge, as discussed in the previous section regarding dependencies, is that those dependencies also may have vulnerabilities. 

This makes the concept of container hardening, and utilizing hardened and secure containers that have a minimized vulnerability footprint critical. Otherwise, developers end up building on top of vulnerable containers full of often unnecessary dependencies, typically referred to as “bloated containers”. Those vulnerabilities in container images now place any applications running on top of them at risk as malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying containers.

Malicious actors have shown that they will look to exploit vulnerabilities in underlying containers, as well as compromise widely used publicly available containers from popular container repositories such as Docker Hub in efforts to impact downstream consumers and their associated applications using the vulnerable containers.


Why is software supply chain security such a major concern?

Software supply chain security is a major concern because vulnerabilities introduced anywhere in the complex network of components and processes used to develop software can be exploited by attackers to gain access to systems or data.  This makes it difficult to trust even well-known software, and highlights the need for strong security practices throughout the entire development lifecycle.

What are some different types of attacks that can target a software supply chain?

Two prevalent types of attacks are infiltrating a vendor's network and injecting malicious code into software before it's distributed (e.g., the SolarWinds attack) and tampering with open source code or app stores to introduce vulnerabilities.

How does the concept of "pull" style attacks differ from traditional security threats?

Traditional attacks target a system's own flaws, while "pull" attacks target trusted sources like vendors to inject malicious code that users unknowingly install.

What are some trends that influence how we secure the software supply chain?

The rise of containerized applications and the widespread adoption of open source components (OSS) introduce new attack surfaces.  At the same time, Agile and CI/CD practices, while accelerating development, can leave less time for security checks.  Finally, the integration of AI models, while powerful, brings its own security considerations.  

What role do industry standards and compliance play in software supply chain security?

Industry standards can enable better communication and vulnerability management, for example SPDX and CycloneDX provide a common format for SBOMs.  Compliance with regulations like PCI DSS can also drive adoption of security best practices throughout development.

What are the different components that make up a software supply chain?

The software supply chain includes all the elements involved in creating and delivering software: code (internal, open source, vendor-developed), infrastructure (development environments, build servers, deployment platforms), people (developers, security, operations), and tools (code repositories, build tools, configuration management, containerization).

What are direct and transitive dependencies, and their associated risks?

Direct dependencies are components you explicitly choose for your software, while transitive dependencies are those indirectly required by your direct choices. Both can introduce risk: both can have vulnerabilities, and transitive dependencies are hidden and potentially unmanaged, making them a blind spot for security issues.

What are some security considerations when using open source software (OSS) in development?

Security considerations for OSS include evaluating the source's reputation, license terms, and vulnerability history. Organizations can leverage tools to detect OSS dependencies, determine if they carry risk, and maintain an updated inventory of used components.

What is an Open Source Program Office (OSPO)?

An OSPO is a cross-functional team or program tasked with managing an organization’s open source activities, strategies, policies, and best practices. They may set guidelines for using, distributing, selecting, and auditing open-source components, as well as educating employees and fostering engagement with the open source community.

What is the difference between SAST and SCA tools, and how do they work together for better code security?

SAST (Static Application Security Testing) tools analyze source code for vulnerabilities and coding flaws, while SCA (Software Composition Analysis) tools identify known vulnerabilities within an application's dependencies. Together, they provide a comprehensive view of potential security risks, allowing developers to fix flaws in their code (SAST) and upgrade vulnerable dependencies (SCA).

How can organizations leverage AI models securely within their software supply chain?

AI models can be vulnerable to attacks that manipulate training data or the model itself. Organizations should establish policies for using AI models, considering aspects like data types and vendor security practices. Secure practices include using well-vetted training data, monitoring model behavior, and implementing controls to prevent unauthorized access or modification.

What are the benefits of using SBOMs, and what are the challenges associated with them?

SBOMs offer transparency by detailing all software components within an application, enabling identification of known vulnerabilities and other risks.  However, ensuring accurate and complete SBOMs can be challenging. Industry standards exist (SPDX, CycloneDX) to address this, and some tools can help generate and analyze SBOMs.

How can organizations prevent accidental leaks of sensitive information like passwords stored as secrets?

Robust secrets management involves implementing policies and using scanning tools to identify secrets unintentionally stored in code repositories, configuration files, or other artifacts. These tools can differentiate between valid and invalid secrets, allowing for focused remediation.

Beyond code security, what other aspects of CI/CD pipelines require attention to ensure overall security?

Securing CI/CD pipelines involves hardening the underlying infrastructure, managing access controls, and controlling the tools and configurations used within the pipeline. Security tools can discover potential risks in pipeline configurations and dependencies, while artifact signing can verify the integrity of components used in the build process.

How does artifact signing improve software supply chain security, and what are some considerations for implementing it?

Artifact signing involves attaching a digital signature to software builds, verifying their authenticity and integrity. This helps prevent tampering during the build process and allows organizations to implement controls based on the signer's identity.  Considerations include choosing a signing solution and establishing trust mechanisms for verifying signatures.

Why is it important to harden containers used in development, and how can organizations achieve this?

Container hardening minimizes the attack surface by removing unnecessary dependencies and functionalities. This reduces the risk of vulnerabilities within the container impacting applications built on top of them. Container scanning tools can identify vulnerabilities in container images, allowing developers to address them before deployment.

What are some tools organizations use for software supply chain security?

There are several types of scanners that are used, including application security testing (SAST, DAST, SCA, etc), secret scanners, and container scanners. Organizations usually use a tool to generate SBOMs (which may be combined with a scanning tool). And a new category of tools is emerging to address CI/CD security issues, which can discover tools and potential vulnerabilities in pipelines.