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Endor Labs vs. Snyk

Snyk relies on the package manifest as the source of truth, which declare the dependencies the app is using. Then, it compares those dependencies to a vulnerability database and surfaces all license and known vulnerability issues associated with those dependencies. Manifest scanning is unreliable for identifying all dependencies, in particular "phantom dependencies" (those not contained in the manifest) are missed, leading to an incomplete picture of risk. In addition, users can only prioritize on external factors such as CVE criticality or other scores, with no context on whether or not the risk can actually impact their code.

Eliminate false negatives

Get an accurate picture of your risk by scanning direct and transitive dependencies, including phantom dependencies.

Reduce false noise

Combine function-level reachability with EPSS and more to find out which OSS components are actual threats.

Broad language support

Implement SCA for Java, Python, Rust, JavaScript, Golang, Ruby, .NET, Scala, PHP, Bazel...with more on the way.

Snyk Open Source (SCA)
Full view of all direct and transitive dependencies including ones not declared in manifest files (phantom dependencies).
Snyk is often unable to resolve versions for dependencies, and completely misses phantom dependencies, leading to missed risks.
By using source code as the ground truth and applying program analysis techniques, Endor Labs can pinpoint every direct and transitive dependency in use, down to the functions being called by your application.
Snyk’s scanning technique is manifest scanning. When importing from SCM, they are inferring the dependency tree. This manifest scanning technique produces false negatives for languages where the manifest and compiler aren’t tightly coupled.
Cost of remediation
With Endor Labs, there’s a lot of flexibility with our Rego policies and you don’t have to break every single build whenever there’s an issue. Action policies can be determined back on EPSS score, fix available, etc. and you can choose to break the build, warn, or just notify.
With Snyk, you can set policies that are “if this, then that” type, and you can really only break the build when issues arise (e.g. if critical or high then fail the build).
Dependency Lifecycle Management
Endor surfaces all types of OSS risks (OWASP Open Source Top 10) around unmaintained, outdated, unpinned, or unused dependencies, etc beyond just vulnerabilities and license issues.
When it comes to SCA, Snyk is primarily focused on vulnerabilities and license issues.
API Support
Endor Labs is an API-first company, meaning that anything you can do in the API, you can do in the UI and vice versa.
Snyk’s API is missing a majority of the capabilities that the UI has, and lacks overall functionality.

Endor Labs reduced our SCA alerts by 76%, which let us give back 11,424 development hours.”

Endor Labs reduced our SCA alerts by 76%, which let us give back 11,424 development hours.”

Greg Pettengill

Principal Product Security Engineer, Five9

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